
Find red button game
Find red button game

Lastly, tween1 and 2 create the actual tween using the info from the variables defined.Pick up the note in front of the planetarium. Next, the tween Infos set how long it will take to go up or down so going up or down could take different amounts of time. Then the color of the button would turn green (although it has some strange effects). If you wanted to set other parameters of the tween you could for example put: goal.Color = Color3.new(0, 170, 0). The first 2 lines are too define how the part will change but in our case, it will only set the position. The TweenService was defined above in the variables section so the next step is to define what the moving part will do. Goal.Position - The position in the property tab of where the button will be when pressed Start.Position - The position in the property tab of where the button is when unpressed Local tween2 = TweenService:Create(Button, tweenInfo2, goal) Goal.Position = Vector3.new() - Put button's own position Local tween1 = TweenService:Create(Button, tweenInfo1, start)

find red button game

Start.Position = Vector3.new() - Put button's own position IMPORTANT NOTE - IF YOUR PARTS HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES, THEN PARTS IN THE SCRIPT MUST BE CHANGED. The button contains a click detector to see when the player finds the button and a script to dictate what happens when the button is clicked which will be transporting the player from room to room. the button and base grouped together and 2. Lastly, an important part that the button needs is a hierarchy with 1.

find red button game find red button game

For the materials of the button, I just used simple plastic material because it doesn't draw too much attention to the button (Although the red button already draws a lot of attention).

find red button game

The largest part of a find the button game is the button itself, I used the design of a kind of cartoon button that would usually have a large sign that says DO NOT PRESS above it. 0.25, 0.75, 0.75 studs button - The part actually used to transport the player contains the script and a click detector.Ġ.175, 1, 1 studs base - Used more for aesthetics can be resized to be larger or smaller in comparison to the button.

Find red button game